Word about the large economic impact CNG stations can have on state and local economies has been spreading. Now, there’s a new tool that puts it in numbers.
The tool is called JOBS NG, and it lets users evaluate the potential economic benefits related to building, developing and operating natural gas stations. It can be used by Cities to determine job creation and other economic returns when they are setting new policies. It can also help developers quantify proposals. And the list goes on…
Key Functions Of JOBS NG
- Calculates not only direct jobs created on site, but also indirect jobs created from supply chains, as well as induced job created by ripple effects
- Estimates economic output at every stage in the process of building and operating a CNG station
- Accounts for an extensive list of variables, including design and construction, operation and maintenance, the sale of natural gas fuel, and even the raw materials that go into components that are mined, refined, distributed and assembled for the station
- Factors in economic stimulus as new jobholders purchase goods and services elsewhere in the economy
- Specifies various cost parameters for developing stations, operating stations, or both
More Facts About JOBS NG
- Freely available to the public
- Customizable by state or census region
- Developed by Argonne with the assistance of RCF Economic and Financial Consulting, Inc. for the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program
- The third in a series of tools used by the Department of Labor to estimate economic impacts of energy investments in a region
To learn more about how JOBS NG works, or to download the model, visit the following link: